Paper Prototype

Here are the rules from an early paper prototype of the game mechanics. You can also check out a more formatted version here.


Reach the dungeon and defeat the monster within.

Game Setup

You need: various 6 sided die, a set of poker chips, and a 6×8 grid.

Randomly lay out 4-6 memories(white chips) and 1 dungeon (stack of white chips) on the grid (6×8). Start at the chip the furthest away from the dungeon.


Chips = memory bubbles.


Turn (if first turn, jump to memory interaction)

in the memory realm

1. Choose which unexplored memory to travel to. Count how many spaces it takes to get there, for each space roll a die. If any of the dice are even, you encounter an enemy on your journey.


[encountering an enemy]

1.  Roll 2 dice to find out the enemy’s stats.

– First die is physical defense, second is mental defense.

*** if your strength is above 6, enemy rolls 2 dice for physical — if charisma is above 6, enemy rolls 2 dice for mental (and so on in increments of 6)


2. Choose to attack with either strength (physical) or charisma (mental).


3. Roll 2 dice, one for you and one for the enemy. Add the dice roll plus the stats of the selected category for you and the enemy.

ex: Player has 3 strength, Enemy has 1 physical. Player chooses strength battle. Player roll is a 1 — totaling their attack to 4. Enemy rolls a 2 — totalling their attack to 3. Player’s 4 > Enemy’s 3. Player wins. If the enemy total was larger than the player total, the player takes that much damage to their overall health.


If you die in combat, game over. Reset game and start over.

If you make it to the memory, continue on to Memory Interaction. If you have reached the dungeon, jump to Dungeon section.


Memory Interaction

Roll a die. If number rolled is even jump to [people], if odd jump to [environment]



1. Roll 2 dice. First die is number of people in the memory, second is the percentage (# rolled/6 * number of people)  of negative people in the memory — round up if needed and convert into chips.

– Blue chips represent positive people, red represent negative.

– Negative chips give you strength if they are in your home base.

– Positive chips give you charisma if they are in your home base.


2. Choose which chips to take with you — you can take all of one connotation.


everyone travels back to the real world


3. The chips immediately give you +1 each of their resource. (see NPC section)



Draw a random environment and follow the notes. (Roll one die and follow the instructions.)


travel back to the real world


Back in the real world…

1. Chose to visit negative or positive people.

[negative] You have surrounded yourself with negative energy, you get +1 dice roll to a strength attack in your next trip to the memory world.

[positive] You have surrounded yourself with positive energy, you get +5 health.

2. Return back to memory realm at the memory bubble you just completed (jump back to Turn section)



– end result — gain a champion, can be either (permanently) negative or positive

– major modifiers to your stats

ex: positive buddy gives you a higher max health or higher base charisma, or keep these effects on enemies.

– for prototype’s sake, dice roll to odd or even.


Prototype ends here. In the digital game, you would move on to the next memory plane.


Environment Examples

Ocean Environment: You are on the beach, you can either walk towards the ocean or the sand castle.

Ocean – You get caught in an undertow and feel like you are drowning. Your max health is reduced by 2.

Sand Castle – You construct a sand castle and have warm feelings about family vacation. Next time you encounter people, roll a die. If it is a 5 or 6, convert one person to the affinity of your choosing.


Woods: There is a pathway/opening into the woods and a fireplace.

Into the woods – you go on a beautiful hike and have a wonderful adventure. -1 dice roll when you check for enemy encounters.

Campfire – it becomes night and you hear scary ghost stories. Next enemy you encounter, you must use physical attacks.


Movie Theater: There is a ticket booth with a counter or a door into a theater.

Ticket booth – sold out, go see different movie instead — love it. +1 charisma

Sneak into theater – get caught by usher. Feel indignant. +1 strength


Preparing a meal: You are making a stew, in front of you are carrots and a knife.

Carrots – start slicing carrots, dump in stew. Eat lovely meal. +2 health

Knife – start slicing carrots, accidently slice finger. -2 health


Going Up: You need to go upstairs in a large building, you can take the stairs or press the button for the elevator.

Stairs – you are sweaty and tired from you long trip up the stairs and now feel uncomfortable. You move slower in your memory world, +1 dice to enemy encounter check rolls.

Elevator – on the elevator you find money on the floor, you are now slightly richer.


Broken Down Car: Smoke is coming out of the hood of your car, you can open the hood or go to the telephone box for help.

Telephone box – you can’t open the door to the telephone box. You get frustrated and sit on the side of the road. -1 charisma

Hood – you see something loose and fix it. +1 strength


Agency Play


Every time an enemy is killed, dice roll odd/even to remove a chip from the player.

Misc Real Game Ideas

In real game, when you travel back to the real world, if you visit the NPC’s that have the same affinity that you returned with, there is an extra bonus to the resources you receive from them, and you return to the memory world in that same state of mind.


If you visit the opposing affinity, your overall emotional state is neutral but you gain a normal amount of resources from the party members.


Your affinity in the memory world changes the physics. If you are one of the extremes there would be a positive and negative factor. Ex: positive makes you run faster, but there is also a negative consequence


Dungeon (Steve thoughts)

– choice between strength and charisma, framed as a boss fight but you get actual party members from dungeon fights

– perhaps actual voice overs, maybe mass effect like?

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